The Lighthouse Project
Find Your Way

The Lighthouse Project is about creating a place of connection and belonging, helping every person who enters and exits to find their way.
Kristin Breuss, Senior Pastor
The Lighthouse will be a purpose built, contemporary six-storey Christian centre that is open to all; a resource designed to be a ‘house of light’ that will help our diverse local community to find their way to physical, emotional, and spiritual health and wellbeing.
It is our response to the urgent social need in North London. The building will be an inspirational landmark site located on the Finchley Road major artery gateway to London.
The Lighthouse Project aims to:
Improve the physical and mental health of local people through a range of services
Tackle homelessness and support young people to independence
Provide catering Apprenticeships for young people in our Social Enterprise Café
Equip more young people for the world of work
Be a place of spiritual, physical, and mental health and well being
Express our Christian faith by caring for our community
The Five Houses
Like the first Celtic Christian communities, the Lighthouse will have five central elements:
Home of The Lighthouse church, a vibrant, modern Christian community; a beautiful worship auditorium at the heart of the building for 450 people, meeting rooms for all ages, a Christian prayer room open throughout the week, and a residency for trainee pastors.
“ ... you fill me with joy in your presence” (Psalm 16.11)
A café to meet, eat and share life, a multi-purpose studio for affordable fitness and activity for all, an auditorium for performance and arts.
“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10.10)
A place for Christian healing prayer, counselling, and listening.
“He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed” (Luke 4.18)
Modern facilities to work with our existing partners: XLP, Resurgo (Spear) and future partners, to equip vulnerable young people, to support and build up families, regardless of faith background.
“So the poor have hope, and injustice shuts its mouth” (Job 5.16)
A whole floor to provide a home for young people between the ages of 16-19 from disadvantaged or exploited situations, operated with the charity St Christopher’s Fellowship.
“You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the storm, and a shade from the heat” (Isaiah 25.4)
Explore the Building
Addressing the Local Needs
Each of the five elements of The Lighthouse Building will address the needs of local people and impact lives. We are keenly aware that over 56,000 people in Camden claim to have no religion (1), over 50,000 adults in Camden are experiencing depression and anxiety (2), and there are 28,654 households that have no adult in employment (3).
Across the country young people from looked after backgrounds comprise less that 1% of the general population, yet almost a third of these are in the criminal justice system. (4) We will provide holistic support and care for those in need of healing and hope.
The five needs that we aim to address are: Spiritual Poverty; Loneliness and Loss of Community; Mental Health and Emotional Need; Unemployment, Life Skills & Family Life; Vulnerable or At Risk Young People.
How can you support the Lighthouse?
Whilst the Lighthouse Project may sound magical, it’s not about to suddenly appear.
The support of people like you is vital in order to make it a reality.
Could you pray with us to make this happen? If so, please email Catherine to sign up for email updates.
We are buying a resource for the Kingdom of God for present and future generations.
If you’d like to find out more about the Lighthouse Project or would like to partner with us to bring this landmark building into being, please contact Catherine:
(1) 2011 Census, Office for National Statistics. (2) Camden Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy, 2016-18. (3) 2011 Census, Office for National Statistics. (4) The Care Leavers Association, 2013.