SOZO Ministry
The word Sozo is used throughout the New Testament to mean to save, heal, restore. Jesus declared he had come to set the captives free. Sozo is the inner healing ministry developing by Bethel Church in Redding, CA. We are seeing wonderful fruit as people hear God’s voice and realise truth over lies, and are brought into the freedom they were made for.
By using the Sozo tools and following the Holy Spirit we have seen wounds healed, strongholds broken and truth revealed. This brings greater freedom and intimacy with Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
a unique, gentle inner healing ministry aims to quickly get to the root of things that are hindering your connection with the Godhead.
is led by the Holy Spirit
is NOT a counselling session
A Sozo session generally lasts around 1½ to 2 hours and is conducted by two people who will – with the help of the Holy Spirit – walk you through the process towards freedom and wholeness. It will be a time of interacting with Father, Son and Holy Spirit and discovering more of your God given identity and destiny. We host the Sozo sessions on Thursday evenings. We offer both general and financial Sozo sessions.
A general sozo session equips us to deal with life’s challenges, forgive those who have hurt us and move forward into who God made us to be.
A financial Sozo session looks at our mindset about money (whether we have plenty or little) and helps us unblock those things stopping us from fulfilling our God-given purpose and understand the legacy He plans for us to leave through our stewardship of resources.
Please note that Sozo applications are on hold until further notice in order to accommodate the requests already received
Sozo Testimonies
We collect stories of healings and answered prayer to celebrate what God has done. You can read some of these stories here:
In order to support our Sozo ministry we suggest a donation of £30. All money received goes back into training and resources to help us continue the Sozo ministry.